Jan Seven Dettwyler 2023 PRINT 1212 Kopie v2

The new song "Leuchten"


"If the light is missing in your life, start shining yourself. Be the helper you need instead of waiting for heroes. You should shine..." The idiosyncratic lyricist and singer jan SEVEN dettwyler has proven time and again that he writes the best lyrics in his darkest hours. His first songs would not have been written in 2002 if he had not sought solace in a pen to deal with a break-up. "Lisa" was written during a crisis, "City Of Gold" when his best friend died and "I don`t give up" when his son had health problems. With the very personal song LEUCHTEN, he is now once again using music to draw himself back into the light. Getting up and shining himself to attract the beauty in life again is the wonderful essence of this self-therapy.

Leuchten will be released on 23.5.2024. The album "Schwarz auf Grün" will be released on 13.09.02024 to coincide with the start of the tour in Zurich.